Angel Healer Training Program

Do you have an interest in the angels? Do you find yourself drawn to them, or are you perhaps aware of their presence? Are you interested in spirituality, meditation and healing? Do you already run a holistic practice and are looking for a new offering?

If so, angel healing might be for you!

This year-long mentorship consists of three levels/five weekends of training that take place over the course of one year. Completion of all 3 levels plus the required case studies will allow you to work professionally as a fully qualified and insured angelic energy healer.

What is angel healing?

Angelic Healing is a beautiful, gentle and powerful spiritual healing system. It works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to bring balance to our entire being and can bring about a significant improvement in many aspects of our lives. This system helps to release old patterns and heal the emotional wounds of the past. When you receive an angel healing, you connect with the energy of the angels for deep healing and rejuvenation.

Angel Healing is suitable for those experiencing stress, anxiety, bereavement, low mood/energy, negative self-image, or feeling stuck in life, among many other issues. The treatment is deeply relaxing and is an opportunity to connect with your healing team of angels and spirit guides.

Please see the details below for each of the training levels.

Level 1 can be booked and paid for online and is for personal development only.

NB: Levels 2 and 3 prepare you to work with others and must be booked via email

If you feel drawn to train as a professional angelic energy healer, please contact me by email to book your place:

[email protected]

We can do a quick video call to connect and see if angel healing training is right for you.


LEVELS 1 -3 

Angelic Energy Healer Training
Level 1 - Online Only

4 Week Course - Next set begins on Tuesday January 9th 2024 @7pm


This level is for complete beginners and no experience is necessary. There is also no expectation to continue your studies. This is a deeply healing course that enables you to meet an archangel per chakra and teaches you how to work with them for self-healing.

In this course, we cover: (An attunement to each Archangel is included)

  • Who are the archangels/your healing team/what is angel healing?
  • What are chakras and the subtle energy body
  • Archangel Micheal and Spiritual Protection
  • Archangel Uriel and the Base Chakra
  • Archangel Gabriel and the Sacral Chakra
  • Archangel Jophiel and the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Archangel Chamuel and the Heart Chakra
  • Archangel Haniel and the Throat Chakra
  • Archangel Zadkiel and the Third Eye Chakra
  • Archangel Metatron and the Crown Chakra
  • How to Ground with Mother Earth
  • How to connect with your intuition and exercises to strengthen it.
  • This course also includes complementary follow up Angel Community Zoom calls every 3 months
  • All who have trained with me are offered membership to the Moon Tribe at a discounted rate of €15 a month


The cost of the course is €200. Moon Tribe members receive a 10% discount and can do this course for €180.
(You can also pay in 3 monthly instalments of €70)

If you feel drawn to this program, please book your spot below.

Book Now Full Payment €200
Book Now 3 x €70 Payments

Angelic Energy Healer Training
Level 2

Two Weekends in Hotwell House, Enfield, Co. Meath

March 9th and 10th 2024

April 6th and 7th 2024


Weekend one

  • Shekinah the Holy Spirit (attunement)
  • Masculine/Feminine Balancing
  • Archangel Raphael (attunement)
  • Archangel Ariel (attunement)
  • Inanna effect (Advanced spiritual protection)
  • Cord Cutting with Archangel Micheal

  • Why someone might come for an angel healing?
  • Contraindications for Angel Healing
  • Run through of an angel healing session
  • Distant Healing sessions – How to run your sessions online or over the phone.
  • Etiquette for Angel Healers
  • Working with angel cards part 1

Weekend two

  • Archangel Azrael (attunement)
  • Mother Mary (attunement)
  • Working with angel cards part 2
  • Grounding your client
  • Case studies – What is expected
  • Hands-on Practice

Cost for level 2: €555 (10% discount for Moon Tribe Members)
(Or two instalments of €277.50)

If you feel drawn to this program, please apply now by emailing

[email protected]

Level one must be completed before moving on to levels 2 and 3


Angelic Energy Healer Training
Level 3

Two Weekends in Hotwell House, Enfield, Co. Meath.

November 9th and 10th 2024

November 30th and December 1st 2024


  • Archangel Sandalphon (attunement)
  • Archangel Faith (attunement)
  • Archangel Saraquel (attunement)
  • Goddess Sophia (attunement)
  • The Arcturians/Star Beings
  • Ancestor Healing with Mother Mary
  • Earthbound Spirits
  • Elemental Healing with Unicorn and Dragon energies
  • Earth Star and Soul Star Activation
  • Running a Holistic Business 101
  • Attracting energetically compatible clients
  • The Quad Grid - Advanced Energy Clearance Technique
  • Hands-On Practice
  • Psychic Development Exercises

Cost for level 3: €555 (10% discount for Moon Tribe Members)
(Or two instalments of €277.50)

If you feel drawn to this program, please apply now by email:

[email protected]

Levels One and Two must be completed in order to continue on to Level 3

32 case studies must be completed after Level Two or Three in order to receive your final certificate and to get healers insurance.

One case study = One healing session

Special Note from Joanne


Lunch is included for levels two and three as well as your manual and certificate of completion.

The venue is very secluded, and magical and includes a lovely woodland walk for grounding at lunchtime.

Everybody who trains with me is also invited to regular Zoom calls where I will support you on your journey and answer any questions you might have. You wills have the option of joining the Moon Tribe Online Community at a discounted rate of €15 a month.


If you are interested in signing up for the full year’s mentorship, you can sign up for €1,111 (The cost to buy each level separately is €1310)

This can be paid in full or a payment plan can be arranged

If you feel drawn to this program, please send me an email now:

[email protected]

I would be honoured to guide your journey with the angels!

Angel Blessings & Gratitude,

Joanne 🦋