Awaken your light,
guided by angelic wisdom
4 Week Online Course
StartsĀ Wednesday January 15th 2025 @7pm

What is angel healing?
Angelic Healing is a beautiful, gentle and powerful spiritual healing system. It works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to bring balance to our entire being and can bring about a significant improvement in many aspects of our lives. This system helps to release old patterns and heal the emotional wounds of the past. When you receive an angel healing, you connect with the energy of the angels for deep healing and rejuvenation.
Angel Healing is suitable for those experiencing stress, anxiety, bereavement, low mood/energy, negative self-image, or feeling stuck in life, among many other issues. The treatment is deeply relaxing and is an opportunity to connect with your healing team of angels and spirit guides.
Please see the details below of what will be covered during the Illuminate Course.Ā
It can beĀ booked and paid for online and is for personal development only.
Would you like to go further?
Do you have an interest in the working with the angels? Do you find yourself drawn to them, or are you perhaps aware of their presence? Are you interested in spirituality, meditation and healing? Do you already run a holistic practice and are looking for a new offering?
If so, angel healing might be for you!
Illuminate is the introductory course to Angel Energy Healing. If you would like to train as an Angel Energy Healer. my year-long mentorship program " The Path of the Oracle " might be of interest to you!
Contact Joanne today to find out more

Angelic Energy Healing
Next set begins onĀ Wednesday January 15th 2025 @7pm
Awaken your light, guided by angelic wisdom
This level is for complete beginners and no experience is necessary. There is also no expectation to continue your studies. This is a deeply healing course that enables you to meet an archangel per chakra and teaches you how to work with them for self-healing.
In this course, we cover: (An attunement to each Archangel is included)
- Who are the archangels/your healing team/what is angel healing?
- What are chakras and the subtle energy body
- Archangel Micheal and Spiritual Protection
- Archangel Uriel and the Base Chakra
- Archangel Gabriel and the Sacral Chakra
- Archangel Jophiel and the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Archangel Chamuel and the Heart Chakra
- Archangel Haniel and the Throat Chakra
- Archangel Zadkiel and the Third Eye Chakra
- Archangel Metatron and the Crown Chakra
- How to Ground with Mother Earth
- How to connect with your intuition and exercises to strengthen it - The 'Clairs'
- This course also includes complementary follow up Angel Community Zoom calls every 3 months
- Lifetime access to 8 x 10 minute guided meditations for each archangel we learn about
- All who have trained with me are offered membership to the Moon Tribe at a discounted rate.
- The energetic exchange of the course is ā¬333.
- Bonus: 30 Day free access to the Moon Tribe Online Community
- Existing Moon Tribe members receive 15% discountĀ
If you feel drawn to this program, please book your spot below.